Saturday, October 4, 2008

First Bow Hunt of the Season

Okay, for all of you huntin buffs, Wednesday was the opening day of bow season for the elusive white tail deer. - that had a little bit of Ted Nuget coming off of that, but that's okay. Allen and I went out last night down to Berryville to get the first hunt under our belts, but things didn't go as planned. We got down there with everything except the video camera- it was dead. We went and looked at the cougar tracks that Allen's grandpa found on Wednesday - I'll have pictures on here later on today. Anyway, walked all the way of what seemed like a 5 mile hike with a stand on my back, just to find that Allen's grandpa never did clear out the brush he said he had earlier, making it to if we got up in the stand, we would not have a clear shot. Allen climbed up the ladder stand that was there already, and attempted to set the second stand up. Well... Allen could not get it to bite into the tree, it was hot, and nothing was working right. We quickly decided that this was not going to work and just went back home.

Instead of hunting outside, we went to walmart, and picked up the new Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2009. It was fun except Allen could not find his orginal PS3 remote that was needed to play most of the game instead of our extra cordless remotes we now use. We are now attempting to go tonight to my grandpa's woods - I know we will see something, we are going in MY tree. I have already taken 3 NICE "Monster Bucks" from this tree, thus it is now MY tree. We went over and checked everything out and made sure we were ready to go. So, tonight at 3:30, we will be up in the woods together hunting and videoing the experience. If we get a deer tonight, I'll be sure to post the footage on here later on with some nice pics. Wish me luck! And I'll report back on here tonight!

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